Posts filed under janet's writing

Eat Whole Fat, Real Fat, for Health

photo 1 - Version 5Eat Whole Fat, Real Fat, for Health This post has taken far too long to be written! because my mind had the idea that one post could contain this topic. Then I recognized that this piece of the nutrition puzzle today continues from the previous posts about junk food addiction. And this topic regarding "good fat vs bad fat" is more than one post. So here we go - - -!

You say, wait, I have to eat a low fat diet because I have a weight problem. I say, you have a weight problem because you are malnourished...and eating low fat foods is contributing to your body's hunger for Real Fat so needed by all of our bodies, including rather importantly the brain part of our bodies. Please be reassured: this is NOT your fault that you keep eating foods that are not providing the real nutrients! Remember the previous post about junk food addiction? As you can see, all these posts for a few months fall into this topic.

Have you heard of the documentary, Hungry For Change? I mention the video, which can be streamed on Netflix and viewed on YouTube, because I understand that having imagery while hearing information gets the information into some folks' brains. [Planning to start making videos to go with the main posts in Lifestyle Modification Support for those of you that get more out of eye contact.] Hungry For Change breaks down in simple terms how the food we are eating is not really food in the real sense...but "food-like products." Hrmmm what does that mean?

I am going to anticipate your questions about this topic, beginning with a brief discussion today on whole fat versus low fat or non-fat. Please contact me all the ways that you do to ask your burning questions. The fat question is what instigated this post. In the past, I have spoken of how much sugar is clandestinely added to nearly every processed food you buy and eat. [Processed = anything prepared by someone you never met somewhere else. Examples? everything from cake and biscuit mixes, cereals, canned or packaged soups, frozen meals/snacks, salad dressings, pizza sauces, condiments, bread, flavored milks and vitamin drinks .... ]

Fat-free generally means LOTS of sugar products added. Why one is constantly hungry on low fat diets is that one is NOT giving the healthy fat that one needs while eating much more sugar than one might choose consciously. And, as I have mentioned before, sweet is added via a number of processed forms of "sugar"...high fructose corn syrup being the head of the pack. So imagine your brain, on the one hand requiring whole fat, not getting it; but also utilizing sugar rapidly  too, unhealthy over-processed forms of sugar, because it is HUNGRY!! for nutrition. And what happens your brain is hard-wired to want sugar and starts craving more and more and more..... Sugar gives a beta-endorphin high. The more of this "high" the body gets, the more habituated the body becomes to it and thus needs ...more!


more to come....... additions will continue at the bottom of the article as they are added.

Focuses to include: what are whole healthy fats? and what are unhealthy (dangerous) fats? How fat protects us from toxins....

Posted on April 8, 2013 and filed under discussions, information, janet's writing.

BBC News - Scrubbing Up: Do hospitals legitimise junk food?

BBC News - Scrubbing Up: Do hospitals legitimise junk food? Following up the last blog I whipped out (admittedly!) on Brain Foods, this article from the BBC finishes another "nail on the head" of my personal list of pet peeves. There are plenty of stories one can find online that concur with what the BBC is opening for discussion. In fact, some of us have been talking about this issue for thirty years! Thank you, Cardiologist Asseem Malhotra, for writing about the problem in a fresh way. Nutrition is not all that hard to calculate.... pointedly, nutrition is still as simple as A, B, C, because we humans have not had an opportunity to mutate all that much since we began to be able to calculate the nutrients in our foods. So what is going on? Why are we being given limited choices for high quality healthy nutrition everywhere we turn? but especially, why are we being given limited choices from the places one would expect to have the best choices offered? As promised, I am working on a quick and concise discussion of why whole fats are much healthier than low fat foods. From this BBC article, you may begin to guess why. In a nutshell, right now, I will sign off saying, the less we bother the food before it gets to our kitchen, the healthier it is for our bodies. Until our next interaction, live well...Love and laugh. ~janet


Update on this brief story line.....

I have not been able to get out of this story because I went on to discover a lot more written on the topic plus then NYT published a very thorough article on The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food" six days ago. I cannot stop studying it and "Running off" in cyber land to follow up the details.....!

Crazy making lines from the astounding article "The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food" at: :

“One article said something like, ‘If you take Lunchables apart, the most healthy item in it is the napkin.' " ===================== "... the food industry already knew some things about making people happy — and it started with sugar. Many of the Prego sauces — whether cheesy, chunky or light — have one feature in common: The largest ingredient, after tomatoes, is sugar. A mere half-cup of Prego Traditional, for instance, has the equivalent of more than two teaspoons of sugar, as much as two-plus Oreo cookies." ===================== “(Stephen)Sanger (of General Mills) was trying to say, ‘Look, we’re not going to screw around with the company jewels here and change the formulations because a bunch of guys in white coats are worried about obesity.” ===================== "These (new Lunchables) would be promoted as more healthful versions, with “fresh fruit,” but their list of ingredients — containing upward of 70 items, with sucrose, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup and fruit concentrate all in the same tray..." ===================== "The company’s Yoplait brand had transformed traditional unsweetened breakfast yogurt into a veritable dessert. It now had twice as much sugar per serving as General Mills’ marshmallow cereal Lucky Charms." ===================== ....and more.... O.o

Posted on February 22, 2013 and filed under discussions, information, janet's writing.

Organic vs Biotech

Pay careful attention to the details on the current controversy regarding claims made by a former "Big Tobacco" pseudo-science propagandist who is employed at Stanford? The good thing about this controversy is people are talking.... and what the corporate "persons" have not considered is: now real science can be brought into a public discussion....because the commercial interests [read: greed] stepped up and threw mud where there is a battle...the battle for truth regarding how biotech in agriculture has little to do with what is best for all of us and more to do with commercial profit. Want attention? okay, let's start talking science. And while we are at it, let's talk logic; and let's talk freedom of choice; and let us broach the difficult expectation of truthful advertising. More to come...


[Today September 14, 2012] Ben Paynter of who blogs/writes in many venues shared a particularly enlightening bit about the health of his intestines...or as he stated it, his "POOP BUGS". You can find the short piece as number 14 of Living by Numbers: The Wired Guide to Health in Wired's October 2012 issue (p 126). The article is apparently unavailable on, so I contemplated copying it in its entirety here because, honestly, in such a brief, and comical, description of his stool analysis, he provides a great deal of tips about why gastro-intestinal health is so crucial to overall health. [I strongly encourage you to get this issue and read his quipped essay.]

But the BIG reason I bring the article up here is the last sentence. In four short columns, Ben quickly shared the telling results of his Metametrix test....his "Adiposity Index," his "Predominant Bacteria Analysis," his "Yeast/Fungi" count, and last but so definitely NOT least, his "Drug Resistance" panel. What? drug resistance? in a stool sample? you remark avidly curious as to how drug resistance could be revealed in a stool sample. Never fear, I will not bore you with the details of how the DNA of the bacteria shows least, not now.... suffice it to say, that the DNA in Ben's gut bacteria were the source of all this fascinating information! By now, as highly intelligent as you have demonstrated yourself to be by your choice of reading materials, you have no doubt sleuthed the connection between Ben's discovered drug resistance and the title of this blog "Organic vs Biotech"... I will let Ben's words say it so simply, "I can't turn my superbugs back into Clark Kent bugs, but I can eat organics to avoid future exposure to antibiotics." !!!! and thus, prevent further antibiotic resistant bacteria from getting a toe-hold in his body, thereby preventing the antibiotic's effectiveness in future should he need it. Remarkably, Ben thought it significant to mention that he likely acquired his particular superbugs via eating a food that had been exposed to said antibiotic, since apparently Ben has never taken the antibiotics for which he has discovered that he has a thriving resistance.

Yes, one more reason to eat organic.... a reason which can be measured....should anyone be interested in actually doing so rather than taking candy from the drug pushers, so to speak; meaning accepting without question a poorly structured "Study" by researchers of questionable motivations.


Additional articles commenting on the organic vs biotech question:

More will be added to this blog.......




Posted on September 10, 2012 and filed under discussions, information, janet's writing, Research studies, resources, visions.

Keep Talking! what about violence against women?

The American College of Nurse Midwives made this (see website link) brief, plain, and straightforward statement regarding a US Representative's recent incorrect remark about rape and pregnancy. The most uncomfortable aspect of this political faux pas is its reflection of ignorance. My first reaction upon reading the remark so widely broadcasted was, "but people know better...don't they?" followed by the disturbing realization that if this person gets away with saying this, the dark ages descend. Thus, I am hoping to keep the conversation rolling.... there are so many potential avenues regarding education. Please help me keep this vital issue rolling. Wherever you chat, blog, converse....ask others what they know about resources for education on health.

Posted on August 30, 2012 and filed under discussions, janet's writing, Quotes, resources, visions.

Gentle Love


More Holiday Wisdoms and Universal Love

O my good friends, this post finds me content and surrendered. I hope that for you as well that you continue to find ways to let go and let your higher power, your unconditional Love, take care of the puzzle/details. . . while you LIVE life, Love, laughter, full and ever expanding.

~With this winter post, I want to share with you some of my lessons in reflecting on the recent cycles that have found completion in my larger life cycle. Wisely considered resolutions begin first with contemplative reflections, if the resolutions are to hold any water or staying power. Why make resolutions in the first place? except if you have a commitment to self evolution. By that intention, one may define resolutions as matrices or conceptual structures for one's efforts through which creation or manifestation is possible.

~So then, in reflection, cycles become visible to your objective mind. You perceive possible repetitive lessons reoccurring for your consideration and discernment regarding what is being taught by your life experiences. Once recognized, one may then comprehend a reason or reasons for the repeated circumstances or situations or obstacles perceived. Once comprehended, one may act to know: how may I test this concept? what actions might reveal options to the circumstance? what next? what avenues are open if I take a step back and look with this new perspective? And so on, these suggested questions attempt to describe one of many ways to direct one's personal investigations of one's path.

~Back to the original purpose of this post, reflections on my recent circles.... at this point in my life, large circles are completing! One could feel unnerved by this; am I that "old" or is this a grand personal apocalypse about to occur? Bring it on! if so, because these closing cycles reveal the potential attainment of wisdom...finally. Probably the most important wisdom I am gaining is that the truly valuable lessons in life are NOT overnight handouts. In my life, maybe in yours as well, there have been some seemingly life-long hardships... some are so simple a child could see them (but I did not because I was a child when these issues initiated); some have been completely self inflicted! and others have been seemingly unfortunate circumstances that I had to endure.. . . that I "endured" over time by finding something very strong within mySelf to hold me still and comforted, and therefore nurtured, while the outer circumstances played themselves out. The primary lesson turns out to be the attainment of solid and humble self confidence born of a sense of knowing that we are all in this to grow and evolve, that accountability is each one of us beginning with ourself as the patient to heal.

~These contemplations bring this post full circle, in fact, to Lifestyle Modification Support's ongoing matrix: to assist you in Balance and Harmony within your own life. What is your course of evolution? Are you at the helm yet? I encourage you to stop, pause, and really give yourself the gift of reflecting on the bigger picture of you and where you are going, and why, and how you might take part in the creation of this amazing gift we call "your life".

~For an example to perhaps get your imaginative juices stirred and flowing, I will share a simple lesson cycle. Separating the small cycles within the bigger cycles is challenging. I have come to experience a beautiful serendipity in my life due to the circles on circles turning into a sense of my life's BIG circle. Sharing what most come to me for, how about the example that people often share with me their desires, and frustrations with realizing their desires, as a jumping off point for this example? The desires or goals might be in many areas for the different people, such as personal health issues resolved, or changing wasteful habits into healthy habits, or teaching their children to make healthy choices independently. I, too, found myself consistently frustrated by my own illogical interferences with achieving my personal goals over my adult years. Yet all the time, I kept after said goals with something like a vengeance! In truth, that sense of vengeance, or my  personal stubbornness, to "push" for my goals rather than allowing myself to discover where my strengths are best used and where my weaknesses are best supported had a tendency to slow down or even halt my efforts at times. Do you see where I am going with this? Every time I caught myself forcing change, I failed. On top of that discovery, I poured salt in to the wound by subjectively beating myself up over this...time and time again! At some point, due to the calm and patient, gentle and unconditional Love, of my personal spiritual teacher, I began to simply practice celebrating my ability to recognize my own mistakes. Simply put, I began forgiving myself. . . immediately, upon recognition of my failure. Eventually, this practice of self forgiving led me to perceive a grander more universal Love.... and in this curious unexpected perception, I actually began focusing on "fixing the problem, not the blame"...

~Ahhh, yes! the problem! And back my attention would go to reflecting on how it was a problem and what the solution might be versus how it got started and who to blame, myself; then the energy of frustration transformed into applying the cure (the solution). In time, and yes, remember time heals all, this practice became natural, inherent. Not only did this practice resolve individual issues of personal concern but this practice became a life way.

~This example reminds me of raising my children when they were very young. I set the goal to parent consciously and not fall into doing things as I imagined they had been "done to" me. So, I went about my days applying the various theories I read on parenting. My focus was: what works? as a mother of four, I had little time to give to working out why something did not work. If it did not work, I threw out that methodology and moved on to the next. One theory I tried was around the effect of the word, "no" and the purpose of negative, punitive, or remedial discipline. I remember watching the effect that shouting, "no!" had on a child's behavior versus the effect of calmly redirecting the child's behavior to something safer or healthier. Needless to say, I found that sometimes shouting no does have its purposes, but mostly, lovingly redirecting and using the moment as the ever elusive "teachable moment" held far more effective and long lasting potency.

~Now this description calls to point that there is really no solution that is isolated. Have you ever considered how an imbalanced habit or behavior or thought process has likely been applied repeatedly because that is the nature of mind? Once one has resolved one simple perceived problem, that particular problem turns out to be a gift! What? Why do I say that? Because it is highly likely that you just solved several, if not many, "problems" by successfully changing the way you approach problems in the first place. The effect or impact of this personal solution in my life: simply and lovingly changing the way I approached my subjective dialogue and opening up to the solutions rather then remaining cramped in the self flagellation; this solution has created a gentle Love, an open universal sense of connectedness versus the stressful experience of forcing myself to change, which never worked in a lasting way. What a wholly different way to walk within life! By living from a place of willing expansion into the world, I manifested something I desired greatly: inner peace.

~Now I do not see the world as sharp edged boxes thrown at me randomly and without prediction, I experience the world as amazing in its surprises and full of possibilities for continued evolvement. More importantly, I perceive that I am a co-creator ....that with my own willingness to try something new, I open the door to learning and thereby manifest more of me to share.

~May this posting find its intention of sharing, gifting more possibilities of evolving, giving what has proven valuable to me to you. As I continue to grow and evolve, and as circles open into expansive spirals, life becomes richer and fuller. Regardless of ongoing hardships, and please understand I still have plenty of hardships to deal with! I still genuinely discover that a purity of heart and desire leads me to even greater desire of purity...and this leads me to discover that truly openness to expand is what provides the experience of enlightenment. What is life, if not a grand exploration of what is possible?

~Blessings to you and yours. Please feel free to share with me your respectful reflections on my post as well as anything else for which you could use a kind ear to bear unconditional witness.


Posted on January 4, 2012 and filed under discussions, janet's writing, visions.

Counting Your Blessings: How Gratitude Improves Your Health

Happy Thanksgiving Day!


Many ways to look at counting one's blessings.... science supports its benefits through empirical observation and you know that when you stop and give a few moments to remembering all that you have versus all that you think you do not have, everything looks a little better, the "light at the end of the tunnel" is more easily visualized, and the not-have stuff is not all that big after all.

Take this day to set a matrix for every day.... to fill yourself up on universal selfless Love;

to let yourself Have It!

and to remember what in life is truly valuable. How much "stuff" do we need? when we have inner peace and contentment.

Much universal Love and many many blessings to you and yours today and all days from Lifestyle Modification Support and family.

Counting Your Blessings: How Gratitude Improves Your Health | CFIDS & Fibromyalgia Self-Help.

Posted on November 24, 2011 and filed under information, janet's writing, mission statements, Research studies, resources, visions.

On Mary Breckinridge and Community Health


Mary Breckinridge and Community Health

After three and a half days away from home to gather with future Certified Midwives and Family Nurse Practitioners in Hyden, Kentucky, I look on life with new eyes. The Frontier Nursing University is the oldest proponent and educational program for Family Nursing and Midwifery in America.... for mother/child centered healthcare. A long time admirer of Mary Breckinridge and the Frontier School, I am now included in its rosters as a post masters student of midwifery.


You may wonder at this seeming "turn in direction"... but this is not a tangent or byway for my healthcare focus. Lifestyle Modification Support has always supported holistic healthcare which begins at home... in the choices one makes to support one's well-being, one is also making choices that support one's family, one's small circle of friends and network, and thereby, one's community. The mother is the heart and soul of the family. What she does cannot be replaced or imitated easily. To support community health, care of the mother and her health/balance, the mother and those around her must be educated as to the great value of her role in the family as the source of unconditional love that centers and directs the attention and attitude of the whole family. With this focus, the individual members of family go out into the community bolstered and nurtured by the true gift of life.... universal, unconditional Love.


If the mother is not supported to remain whole and healthy, she will lose her ability to perform her vital role. In losing her ability to provide such precious spiritual sustenance, she will "lose face"...will lose spirit, hope, faith. It is a rare family that can rearrange its dynamics to compensate for that loss.


The grass roots movement swelling across the country for the rise of community health as priority will be greatly supplemented by a focus on the family's role in community. At the heart of the localvore culture, support of the family supports the development of self-esteem in the individuals of the family unit; supports what is strong, intelligent, and genius in their inherited culture and traditions; supports (thereby) community, and local economic growth, which in turn doubles back the benefit to the community again!


All of these benefits support education and the expansion of human awareness for what is valuable among us, including our diversity. Diversity is survival in a community, and truly diversity is a necessary environmental trait. That we must survive via harmony and intelligent integration with our environment seems so self-evident that I hesitate to spell it out. For any unable to follow my logic in this discussion to this point, I will explain my statements this way…...


If we are to survive physically, our planet must remain viable and able to continue in its diversity of microbiology to continue to provide sustenance to our physical bodies. Thus, in this logic, did I support preserving small traditional communities in the South when I was a young adult and so I continue to support all areas of practical community health which impact physical, intellectual, economic wholeness for its individuals as well as spiritual freedom. Spiritual freedom is a key component in holistic health. The top tier of Maslow's Hierarchy pyramid is self-actualization. Our community's whole health supplies the lower levels of the pyramid so that one may attain that austere top goal.


I support Farmer's Markets and Market Co-operatives of all kinds that feature the local community and uphold its unique traits and strengths as well as act as central commerce areas and places of meeting to encourage success and healthy positive activities. Our own Leucadia Farmer's Market takes place on a local school ground. Activities of music, crafts, arts, and child play are as integral as the commercial participants. Providing these elements in a festive, clean, harmonious manner induces further local support by making it easier to participate (for example, young mothers can bring their children to a safe atmosphere to play while the mothers shop); and also, by making the experience more relaxed, entertaining, and sociable.


My personal and professional role in my community continues to grow and evolve as is the nature of a healthy and balanced life. Returning to study the healthcare of mother and baby is coming round a full circle for me and for my work in the world. By supporting the center of the family’s well being, I continue to give my part to the solution of maintaining and improving and taking community health to the next level.


I will see you “out there” … Please say hello and chat with me about your ideas and hopes.  May we find a way together to continue to complete the circle.

[ ]


Many sites discuss Mary Breckinridge's impact on community health; here are just a few:

Mary Breckinridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Posted on November 12, 2011 and filed under discussions, janet's writing, resources, visions.

Keep Up with Our Stories & Discussions

Following Your Favorite Stories and Discussions on This Blog

Following stories on a blog can be frustrating when the blog keeps rolling along down the page.

  • Do you want to stay up with the Community Health and Farmers Market stories? I will be copying them over to the Community tab.
  • Did you ever get to the Laughter articles and are hoping for more on that subject? Links will be created to the research articles in the right-hand links column in the middle of the front page; scroll down to the blogroll section.
  • Also there is an archive drop-down menu on the far right side of the front page. Stories and articles are arranged by when they were posted in the archive menu.
  • And look for tag links in the right-hand column as well. Let me know tags that are helpful to You. (just added this feature 24.08.2015)
Please be certain to read the interview with community healer, Barry Jones, on the Featured Healers tab! If you are in the area, I hope to see you at one of his local public shows.

><><><><@I am cloistered writing many articles on philosophy of healing right now. Because the focus of my work continues to grow into a community health focus, look for more articles in future that discuss supporting local events, commerce, family, and people.

><><><@Feel free to write to me with your ideas and reflections at: . The website does not allow for quick comments if one is not registered.

><><@< Of course, respect and courtesy is expected in any correspondence you make with the Lifestyle Modification Support website, its commenters, as well as with me personally/professionally.

Many blessings to you and yours! j

Posted on October 28, 2011 and filed under discussions, information, janet's writing, resources, visions.

Your Local Farmers Market ... Are you there?

Sunday at the Leucadia Farmers Market

 Your Local Farmers Market ... Are you there?

Leucadia Farmers Market:

Sunday 10 - 2

October 9, 2011 A Journal Entry………

Today I began my Farmers Market shopping, as I do most Sundays, with the egg man. There's only one egg seller at our Leucadia market and he is so reliable that he only misses two Sundays a year. An honest farmer who grows many vegetables that my family enjoys each week; he feeds his chickens from his gardens, harvests the eggs Friday eve before Sunday market, and answers everyone's questions about gardening, chickens, and the weather. I was pleased to see yellow Yukon potatoes back today. His wife explained to me that the curious weather has all their crops out of order so they keep planting and they harvest whatever's growing this week. This stand often offers potato fingerlings and purple potatoes and many other potato varieties. I encourage her to keep trying because we love all of them.

Next, I cross the aisle to my sweet potato man. He's such a sweet soul himself; always knocking off the extra cents on the total and helping everyone find what they're looking for. He seems quite proud of his purple sweet potatoes, I feel I should buy more of them, but in keeping with conservation, I only buy what I know my family will eat.

Today I also looked forward to the winter squash lady. She grew up on a Kansas farm and she knows her vegetables. Enthusiastically she describes what's growing back on the farm, and what she's about to be out of, to be replaced on the stand with something else special next week. She's unusual because she sells organic nuts and exotic fruits in addition to all her beautiful winter squash. The price on the walnuts is so good, I try to splurge by filling a bag with them, but I still pay less than $5 and we will enjoy these all week, if I don't decide to bake some cookies with them!

Carrots from another local farm look long and strong today. My spouse shows up and I show him our plunder so far. He takes one canvas bag while I take another and we hit each side of the aisles.

There's a dear family that I always buy beans from; today she has huge flat beans. I drop the overflowing basket, enough for two to three meals, into one of my recycled plastic bags and happily pay the husband $4 small dollars...I hope these prices keep them farming.

We are on the lookout for avocados and do not have to look very far to find another little family's booth selling healthy organic avos for a worthwhile price. I choose three medium sized avos of different ripening levels and appreciatively hand over a five dollar bill.

Sending my spouse to Kristie's booth for greens, I relax in Suzy's Organic stand to the music of the women growers' voices describing the weekly harvest box and fielding recipe questions from the customers. I cannot locate the fresh stevia but one of the wholesome gals smilingly shows me that stevia is front and center of the pepper and herb table. I choose some fresh mint too, to go with the stevia for an infusion “cool drink” this hot autumn week. I see Suzy has gorgeous cucumbers this week too and grab one to slice up for our eye treatments. Suzy's broccoli is knock 'em dead voluptuous this Sunday...four large full crowns will go into the Thursday casserole...mmmMm! And a pepper is suggested to fill in the last ten cents to make the total of all these choice items an even ten dollars.

One of the many organic fruit stands continues to offer all their stone fruit for $2.50 a pound across the board; yellow peaches, white peaches, yellow nectarines, white nectarines, plums of all sorts, pluots, the juices of which dribble down your chin regardless how proper your table manners.

There was plenty more today: including the Englishman’s coffee, a burrito for our 15 year old, breakfast special crepes made on the spot to order using the farmers market foods; an upbeat musician playing his original songs from New Orleans; happy children dancing and playing; neighbors and new folks to meet.

This description barely scratches the surface of all the healthy goodies out each week. I purchase what I know will feed my family for seven days and look forward to returning every Sunday for more fresh, as fresh as you can get without growing it yourself, nutrition. I call this the fun way to grocery shop. There's organic or free range meats, breads, cheeses, oils, teas, coffee beans or ground; there's multi national meals and fresh-made refrigerated spreads to take home; pastries; homemade pastas; pet food; seasonings and other herbals; flowers, garden starts, and worm castings; local made crafts including clothing, purses, kitchen tools. The list goes on and it's all at the weekly Farmers Market.

Are you with me yet? Let's keep our community thriving and our families healthy. Your participation is vital and we'd all enjoy your input. So please come on down! I will meet you at the coffee cart, if you like....or would you rather a gluten-free sugarless pastry that melts in your mouth? Too healthy? There's 5 or 6 other pastry stands any week to choose from. Think of this as a party and you are our beloved guest.

See you all soon!


Posted on October 9, 2011 and filed under discussions, information, janet's writing, resources, visions.

Hello world!

Welcome to Lifestyle Modification Support!

We are just getting started as you can see. There will be format and design changes, of course. But the primary focus is to get started with articles to provide resources and information to support your chosen lifestyle modifications to grow a contented whole you.

Topics will span a diverse world of holistic viewpoint in wellness, including but not limited to: the latest research and concepts in whole nutrition as well as traditional and proven nutritional wisdoms; alternative and complementary therapies for common physical complaints as well as discussion of new health concerns and options in care and treatment; investigation of ancient and modern healing modalities; global viewpoints in health care; historical reviews of healthy whole agriculture as well as new innovations in holistic self-sustainable agriculture.... to get us started!

I look forward to networking with community leaders and innovators in holistic health care and providing links to those providers and businesses that support successful lifestyle modification.

So how is this for an opening statement? Remember life, love, laughter as you proceed through the gift of you each day.

I am respectfully,

Janet Still, FNP-BC

Posted on August 25, 2009 and filed under information, janet's writing, mission statements.