Dr Susan Pacheco - Another Voice

beautiful beach ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dr Susan Pacheco, a Pediatrician who has committed herself to working an even longer stretch of "the road" for her children by speaking up about an often forgotten piece of the climate change concern.... that of the health challenges documented, researched and validated as the result of  increasing environmental toxicity, and unaddressed by most "debaters" in this crisis. This is a touchy issue because who wants to say they support the profit of oil and other carbon-based products over the health and well being of innocent children? Yet to even write that bit about the debate over this crisis brings up yet another matter that Dr Susan Pacheco's lovely, intelligent and kind video touches quietly without words: that the argument is for argument's sake. Is it not? Else why argue the point, literally the gunpoint, staring one in the face? Things are a'changing here on this precious planet with seven million and counting humans pushing out the other species and spilling over our refuse into the environment in so many ways. What is there to argue with common sense that the fruitflies in the gel medium test tube are crowding one another so much that they have reached the height of their lifespan and population bell curve. Now the down swing of the bell curve begins. The weakest die off first. The question is: because we are sentient beings, could we make moves to alter the course? Could we create a self-sustainable environment? The question is not do we know how to create this however. The question really is: will we?

Please enjoy this link to Dr Susan Pacheco's brief but elegantly spoken and evocatively imaged video.


Posted on January 29, 2014 and filed under discussions, information, janet's writing, mission statements, visions.