Keep Up with Our Stories & Discussions

Following Your Favorite Stories and Discussions on This Blog

Following stories on a blog can be frustrating when the blog keeps rolling along down the page.

  • Do you want to stay up with the Community Health and Farmers Market stories? I will be copying them over to the Community tab.
  • Did you ever get to the Laughter articles and are hoping for more on that subject? Links will be created to the research articles in the right-hand links column in the middle of the front page; scroll down to the blogroll section.
  • Also there is an archive drop-down menu on the far right side of the front page. Stories and articles are arranged by when they were posted in the archive menu.
  • And look for tag links in the right-hand column as well. Let me know tags that are helpful to You. (just added this feature 24.08.2015)
Please be certain to read the interview with community healer, Barry Jones, on the Featured Healers tab! If you are in the area, I hope to see you at one of his local public shows.

><><><><@I am cloistered writing many articles on philosophy of healing right now. Because the focus of my work continues to grow into a community health focus, look for more articles in future that discuss supporting local events, commerce, family, and people.

><><><@Feel free to write to me with your ideas and reflections at: . The website does not allow for quick comments if one is not registered.

><><@< Of course, respect and courtesy is expected in any correspondence you make with the Lifestyle Modification Support website, its commenters, as well as with me personally/professionally.

Many blessings to you and yours! j

Posted on October 28, 2011 and filed under discussions, information, janet's writing, resources, visions.